About M. Victoria Robado's Shop

Welcome to M. Victoria Robado's Threadless Artist Shop!

M. Victoria Robado hates third-person descriptions about herself. She was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and is now living in the US, and spending a lot of time on airplanes going back to her country to visit family, and going to conventions and shows all over the world. She draws a lot of cute witches and cats—on the computer, on canvases with acrylic and oils, on sketchbooks, and on walls. Victoria loves to design merchandise, and has made a lot of it, from t-shirts to jackets to accessories and art prints. She even has licensed her art to Hot Topic for you to wear her cuties. She has wanted to write and draw comics since little, fueled by the comics she would have her parents buy for her on the way back from school. Victoria is right now working on Season 3 of her comic #Blessed on Webtoon, her autobio comic Never Ever Done, and a bunch of ideas that have been circling in her head. She wants to publish more comics but is scared people won’t read them, so read them to prove her wrong.
You can follow her online @shourimajo almost everywhere, because she is always on brand.